Sean Kurdziolek Sean Kurdziolek

The Positive Psychology behind Family Portraits in your Home

Not only do portraits provide beautiful and personalised artwork for the home, but psychological studies have also proven that proudly displayed family portraits have positive emotional and developmental benefits for children! By proudly hanging a family portrait on the wall, the importance and significance of the image is also elevated, giving children a strong sense of belonging and producing, more secure, happier, and more confident children.

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Sean Kurdziolek Sean Kurdziolek

Building Family Heirlooms

Knowing our family history is the top indicator of social and emotional well-being. It allows children to see where they come from and helps pave their way into the future. Bella Luce Fine Art’s family portraiture ensures builds a legacy not only for your children, but for your grandchildren, their children and many more generations to come.

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Sean Kurdziolek Sean Kurdziolek

Quintessentially Me

Aimed at ages 9-15, Quintessentially Me is an unforgettable individual portrait experience that celebrates the unique personality and inner beauty of a child. It reaffirms to a child that they are wanted, loved, and worthy. Reinforcing a child’s positive self-image and has the confidence boosting and nourishing power of showing a child that they are being seen for who they truly are.

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